What Will Elder Gould Miss?

Our good friend and fellow missionary, Elder Samuel Gould, completes his service in mid-September. He will return to his loving family in Wales, look for a job and hopefully make some income to allow him to get back to college. So what might this tall, skinny, always smiling missionary miss about West Africa?
Companions Door-to-Door Tracting
His Companions Going Door-to-Door in Villages

Community Service Sisters Who Fuss Over Him
Community Service Sisters Who Fuss Over Him

Bus and Tro-Tro Trips Beautiful African Funerals
Bus and Tro-Tro Trips Beautiful African Funerals

Western Bathrooms Finding a Hamburger
The Joy of Finding a Modern Bathroom The Bliss of a Real Hamburger
after countless meals of fufu

Most of all he will miss...
Saints at the Temple
...seeing people he taught progressing in the gospel.

Best wishes Elder Gould, thank you for your friendship and example.

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